Child Find Screenings

New Mexico PreK Flyer 24-25

What is Child Find and what does SODA’s Child Find do?

  • Child Find is part of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) which requires states to identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities ages 3-21 who are in need of special education.

  • School of Dreams Academy conducts screenings of preschool-aged children whose parents/guardians have concerns about their child’s speaking, understanding of language, learning eye-hand coordination, movement, socialization, behavior, or other concerns.

School of Dreams’ Child Find Team conducts free screenings and evaluations of preschool-aged children who are suspected of having developmental delays or disabilities. Screenings and evaluations are free.

If you would like to have your child’s developmental skills screened what is the criteria?

  • Your child must be between the ages of 3 to 5 and must have turned 5 years old after September 01.

What should you and your child expect when an appointment is scheduled?

  • Initial screenings require about 45-60 minutes of you and your child’s time.

  • Your child will be screened in the following areas:

  • Speech

    1. Language

    2. Fine and Gross Motor Skills

    3. Self Help Skills

    4. Social/Emotional Skills

    5. Hearing

    6. Vision

  • Following your child’s screening, you will receive a letter with the outcome of the screening and recommendations.  This may include further evaluations or referrals to outside agencies.

What are your next steps if  you have any concerns regarding your child’s developmental skills?

  • Call School of Dreams Academy’s Preschool Coordinator for further information if you have any further questions.

  • Please call to schedule an appointment at (505)866-7632.  An intake will be performed over the phone.  You will receive a call back to schedule an appointment.

Apply now!