Governing Council Meeting this evening 7:00 pm via zoom. On tonight's agenda will be next years calendar. Here's the zoom link.... Michael Ogas is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: SODA Governing Council Meeting Time: May 4, 2021 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 994 9038 1805 Passcode: 465456 One tap mobile +13462487799,,99490381805#,,,,*465456# US (Houston) +16699009128,,99490381805#,,,,*465456# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) Meeting ID: 994 9038 1805 Passcode: 465456 Find your local number:
about 3 years ago, Mr. Michael Ogas
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Teachers make the world go round! In a year with so much change, our teachers continued to be the constant rock not only for our students but our whole community! Join us this week in thanking our teachers and every teacher who impacts the life of a child! Together they make us #SODAstrong! Special thanks to The Branch for their delicious coffee and scones this morning for our staff!
about 3 years ago, Krystal Salazar
Teacher Appreciation Week
about 3 years ago, School of Dreams Academy
Tomorrow is our first hybrid Extended Learning Day! This month we are focusing on the other "A" that makes us STEAM - Agriculture! Our FFA students will show cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry. Elementary, go to your google classroom for zoom links and supply lists. Grades 6-12: Online students - go to your advisory google classroom for the Zoom link. You will need an empty disposable water bottle (it can be any kind as long as it is clear), dish soap, soil and water. In-person students - bring a disposable clear water bottle to school for the soil sample workshop, and dress in layers. The morning workshops will take place outside.
about 3 years ago, Amanda Quintana
Image Description, Advertisement for the April 28, 2021 Extended Learning Day. Students, refer to your google classrooms for more information.
Here are the Enrichment Offerings for Fridays.
about 3 years ago, Krystal Salazar
SODA Parents- We want to hear from you! We welcome your anonymous feedback in our annual accreditation survey for parents:
about 3 years ago, Soni Buda
If you have not had the chance to fill out the Academic Calendar Survey please do so as soon as possible. The survey will close tomorrow morning 4/27/21 at 8:00am. Please pay attention to the start and end dates on the calendar options and let your voice be heard. Together we are SODA Strong!
about 3 years ago, Krystal Salazar
Version A
Version B
PreK ELD this Wednesday 4/28/21. EXPLORA is in the house to help us celebrate Earth Day!! Learning is FUN at SoDA!!
about 3 years ago, Mr. Michael Ogas
Secondary Students: Have you signed up for an Enrichment Activity yet? Enrichment offerings occur daily after school with a wide variety of options. We encourage all middle school and high school students to get involved with their SODA peers! Together we are SODA Strong!
about 3 years ago, Krystal Salazar
Hello SODA families, Starting next week we will be participating in a student surveillance testing for COVID-19 program which is VOLUNTARY for students with parent permission. Please see the attached letter for more details. If you have questions or are interested in your student participating please call Nurse Sandoval or email
about 3 years ago, Nurse Sandoval
Letter to Community regarding the student surveillance testing for COVID-19
Hello SODA Family! As we actively plan for the upcoming year we've created a couple versions of the academic calendar. Please review the options and take a short survey to indicate your preference. Academic Calendar will be an action item on the agenda for the next Governing Council Meeting. Thank you for making your voice heard and helping us to be SODA Strong!" Survey Link
about 3 years ago, Krystal Salazar
Version A
Version B
ATTENTION DUAL CREDIT STUDENTS: Summer Enrollment is happening now! If you are planning on taking any dual credit courses over the summer at UNM-VC please reach out to Mrs. Krystal ( as soon as possible. Application deadline is Friday, May 14, 2021 at 12pm. No applications or requests will be processed after that date. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Krystal Salazar
Hello SODA Families, We would like to inform everyone that if any one person in a vehicle has a fever when trying to come onto campus, then all persons in the vehicle must leave campus until they are cleared by the school nurse to come onto campus. Students in the vehicle will then have to participate online until they are cleared by the nurse to return to in person classes. As we try to keep everyone safe, healthy and in school, we ask for your cooperation in this matter. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have questions or concerns regarding this process contact the school nurse.
about 3 years ago, Nurse Sandoval
PTC MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT! Also, Thank you PTC for purchasing cases of bottled water for each classroom!
about 3 years ago, School of Dreams Academy
PTC Meeting Announcement !
An invitation from the NM Public Education Special Education Division.
about 3 years ago, Mr. Michael Ogas
Invitation from PED Special Education Division
about 3 years ago, School of Dreams Academy
SODA Foundation awarded Facebook Community Action Grant! Congratulations to Mrs. Jennifer Nilvo for writing the application for this award! School of Dreams Academy Education Foundation: $39,737; This grant will create a STEM research hub to help provide equitable opportunities for all student populations to complete STEM research and become innovative, forward-thinking game-changers in the community. Read the News Bulletin Story Here
about 3 years ago, Mr. Michael Ogas
Good Morning SODA Community! Reminder for parents and students coming to campus for in-person learning: Please bring your Chromebook, charger and earphones daily. Do not share your devices with another student. Please also review the parent guide for in person learning. We kindly ask you to remind your child to wear their mask, talk with them about personal space and keep them home if they are not feeling well. Students who stay home, due to not feeling well, may still log into their class virtually and not be counted absent. Feel free to call us anytime if you have questions or need additional information at 505.866.SODA (7632). Have a great day and be safe!
about 3 years ago, Mr. Michael Ogas
The following letter was sent home with students today. You may call Nurse Cynthia Sandoval at 505-866-7632 or NMDOH at (505) 827-0006, if you have questions.
about 3 years ago, Javier Viera
April 6th Letter
Parents please remember not to send students to school sick. If your student had a fever and took medication for the fever they are not allowed in school. All students must be fever and symptom free for 24 hours un-medicated before coming to school.
about 3 years ago, Nurse Sandoval